The end of times?
It is so amazing that when we decided to go on this journey with bringing essential oils to India and South Africa, we prayed for support and help.
Little did I know that I would be surrounded by so many christians and so many pastors. We have become friends with many.
Recently, Apostle Dr. Emmanuel Ahunwa, Dominion lntl worship center Johannesburg South Africa +27839614674, contacted me from my ad on Facebook for South Africa. And he told me he saw my ad and was felt called to speak to me, so he called. We spoke for a very long time. He has written many books, and was very fascinating.
Here are some prayers he has sent me:

He added me to his ministry whatsAp chat, and it looks like it is a group of amazing people praying for the world, and I feel so honored. I was thinking about how I am with our priest, I get all nervous and shy and like I am being judged, and could never imagine myself speaking to such amazing people in my life. I continue daily to tell my self that I matter. That I am someone who can make a difference. That I have something of value to say. I realize that I am always learning and will never arrive to anything, as a humble servant. I want angel wings so I can have super powers to help others with their suffering, I want to make a difference for so many people.
I should say that differently, it is not me, it is all gods work.

How cool is that? So I wrote to Pastor andrew and connected them.
I thought that there must be something here, bigger than I can ever imagine, and how do I pray to the almighty – who has so much power over us. I know that these times during covid19, that the devil is definitely at work.
Andrew shared with me last night that he and his father where called to a home that a lady was very angry and very upset, yelling and the family was trying to hold her down. Andrew said that the devil was taking her spirit, and that the prayed on her. Andrew had me on his cell phone, video taping the whole thing, the connection was very bad at first, and then it got better, and he said it was because the devil was leaving. The lady was very sick, with her tongue hanging out. I could not believe that things like this really happen. She was laying on the floor, and then she got up and was fine. It was incredible. He took photos and asked me to not share. So I am not sharing the photos.
But one has to beleive.
There is something bigger going on here – during these days and times. I have to think and pray about what our journey is, I really believe that we are doing God’s work. That this is something that I am wanting to make enough money to share with all of the people, to help them up as the masses get pour and the rich get richer.